Jennifer Clement

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Helping Clients of Dementia Care Specialists Optimize Marketing

Posted by Jennifer Clement

Jul 8, 2015 12:31:51 PM


Dementia Care Specialists (DCS) offers an award-winning memory care program, the Warchol Best Abilities Care ModelSM, to providers of senior care.  Those adopting it are transforming the way memory care is delivered, resulting in extraordinary levels of person-centered care. 

The Warchol Best Abilities Care Model accelerates a positive, abilities-based, congruent approach among all staff.  Dementia-capable care partners gain skills to simplify a resident’s world, find the just-right level of challenge, reduce fear and anxiety, and enable vitality. Positive outcomes include improvement in levels of independence, reduction in challenging behaviors, decreased staff turnover, reduction in weight loss, and increased participation in meaningful life activities.

With 60-80% of consumers making purchase decisions long before “the tour,” resources are needed to sway prospects earlier than ever in the sales cycle.  Dementia Care Specialists turned to Quantum Age Collaborative to develop a kit of resources for providers to use over the course of the entire sales cycle, including:

  • Awareness.  For consumers in the earliest stages of the cycle, these tools help them answer questions like “what are the signs we need help?”  “How do I cope at home right now?”
  • Research.  For consumers knowing they need help, these tools help them explore the differences between services, ways to finance services, and stories of families with similar experiences. 
  • Compare.  For consumers actively shopping, these tools help them ask the right questions and compare providers.
  • Buy.  For consumers on the tipping point, these tools help with a clean close.
  • Delight. Post-close, these tools help consumers feel great about their decision – affirming they’ve made the right choice.

The goal of this program is to make it easy and cost-effective for the provider to leverage prospecting tools over all five phases of the buying cycle, thereby building momentum for the Warchol Model with strong, consistent branding--everywhere it is sold. 

Teams at Quantum Age look forward to collaborating with DCS on this win/win opportunity:  to differentiate a strong marketing mix for the Warchol Model to drive census (for the provider) and thought leadership (for DCS)! 

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Money, Innovation, Differentiation

Posted by Jennifer Clement

Jul 8, 2015 11:09:00 AM

Quantum Age's CC Andrews moderated a panel of industry leaders at Connect 2015, the National Quality Innovation Conference, held in St. Louis, MO, June 7-9. 


What we learned:

While there are riches in the niches, you must validate your claim of being a specialist to prove you deserve the revenue.  Innovation, differentiation, and revenue are now intertwined with analytics.

For example:

  • If you have a heart program to drive referrals, can you measure your performance in real time? 
  • How are you driving improvements over time...backed by data to prove it? 
  • Can you show how your results compare with others competing for the same business in your region?
  • Are you transparent with your weaknesses and what you’re doing about them?  

The bottom line: 

It’s imperative you know your data like your life depends on it, and be prepared to speak to it. 

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