"We consider Quantum Age our expert in post-acute/long term care! They deliver results. From branding workshops to website content and everything in between, Quantum is helping us position ourselves in today’s market. "

Holly Bohman, Marketing & Communiations, Stonerise Healthcare


Strategize & launch

Strategic planning, business cases, market intelligence, segments & personas; project management, coordinated launch, metrics / dashboards...More

Build awareness

Image, awareness, brand experience, audience-centric messages, media, public relations...More

Be a thought leader

Audience-centric content, white papers, quality / annual reports, live events, speaking engagements...More

Generate business

Demand generation, campaigns, inbound marketing, events, sales-ready messaging, sales tools, rock-star branding, social media...More

Communicate effectively

Public and media relations, Internal communication, employee morale and retention, crisis/issue communication... More


Staff development & training; leadership development; organizational development; governance; board/leadership retreats; meeting facilitation; strategic planning; change management; remodel/repositioning; community design & integration ...More

Engage Customers

Optimize share of wallet and achieve bottom line results; ensure customer success; sustain marketing and sales efforts; impact key performance indicators; improve and enhance products; elevate employee satisfaction and productivity; reduce costs ...More


Conference development & execution; trade show strategy; networked learning; strategic partnerships; industry affiliations; executive events; customer/advisory groups; secure ACO/MCO deals...More


Improve fiscal & operational performance; compliance; performance benchmarking; IT strategy & execution; sales acceleration; sales & marketing performance metrics; sales development and strategies; product/service development...More