Tanya Hartsoe

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Forum speaks out on the potential for therapeutics in managing COVID-19

Posted by Tanya Hartsoe

Jun 9, 2021 1:11:09 PM

Forum Extended Care Pharmacy was recently included in an expert discussion on “The ABCs of mAbs: Monoclonal Antibody Therapies for COVID-19 Bring Promise, but Limitations Remain” in Caring for the Ages magazine.

Early evidence suggests that mAbs treatment can reduce the viral load — the amount of coronavirus in a person’s body — which may lead to milder symptoms and help speed recovery. Quantum Age client, Johnson Abraham, PharmD, BCGP, director of clinical services at Forum noted, “The mAbs can only be administered in settings where health care providers have immediate access to medications to treat a severe infusion reaction, such as anaphylaxis, and the ability to activate the emergency medical system, as necessary.”

The key is to get mAbs started as quickly as possible before the virus progresses in the patient. Dr. Abraham said, “The longer you wait, the more likely the patient will need oxygen therapy if they’re not on it, or if they are on it currently, they will need more. At the same time, the longer you wait to begin treatment, the more likely it is that symptoms will worsen.”

Caring for the Ages is published monthly by AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine. Click here to read the full article.

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Caraday’s positive culture showcased in Provider

Posted by Tanya Hartsoe

Jun 9, 2021 1:08:30 PM

For long-term and senior care providers, the challenges of managing COVID-19 reinforced in yet another way the importance of an engaged and positive culture. One such provider is QA client Caraday Healthcare who was featured in the Provider Magazine cover story, “Positive Culture Provides a Strong Foundation.”

Paul Gerharter vice president of clinical services for Caraday Healthcare, described their deeply rooted culture of respect and dignity. When everyone was overwhelmed and overworked during the pandemic, these challenges were acknowledged and supported.

According to Gerharter, when staff feel like their managers understand what they’re going through and are empathetic, they are more likely to be engaged and embrace the organization’s vision. “It’s important for everyone to understand there will be bad days,” he adds. “We need to own up to mistakes, forgive people, learn, and move forward.”

And then there’s always the need for humor to relieve pressure and build camaraderie. “Humor is a huge part of our day-to-day life,” says Gerharter. “When we have our weekly calls, we laugh. We are in a serious business, but we want people to feel at ease.”

Click here to read the full story in Provider Magazine.

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SAIVA Healthcare featured in McKnight’s

Posted by Tanya Hartsoe

Jun 9, 2021 1:03:55 PM

When a customer shares their unsolicited experiences, you know you’re doing things right. That’s exactly what happened with Quantum Age client, SAIVA Healthcare, when Mike Logan, CEO of Michigan Masonic Home, was published as guest columnist in a recent issue of McKnight’s Long-Term Care News.

Logan shared the success his team experienced using SAIVA’s artificial intelligence to dramatically reduce rehospitalizations. “I am pleased to say that, based upon our first couple of months using machine learning, we improved our overall percentage of new resident admission rehospitalizations from 20% to 10.5%. That was in a three-month period.”

Masonic Pathways, a Life Plan Community in the heart of Michigan, adopted SAIVA’s machine learning solution which produces daily reports listing patients at risk for decline and rehospitalization. Logan noted in his guest column, “Essentially, the machine-learning technology does the work of pouring through the resident’s chart to find trends and behaviors that predict when a resident is at risk of being rehospitalized.”

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What to Do with That (Now Obsolete) Event Plan: You DO Have Options

Posted by Tanya Hartsoe

May 4, 2020 1:34:00 PM

There it is – the line item in your budget to attend conferences and events. It’s always a key marketing and sales strategy for engaging with both current and potential clients. But now, amid COVID-19 realities, those conferences and events are either cancelled or being converted to virtual programs. Even events later in the year are in serious question, leaving a sizeable gap in your budget—and your ability to personally connect with prospects and customers. It’s time to look at other options…and there are some solid ones.

The value of person-to-person interaction will never go away. But in today’s current crisis, you need to pivot to other means of connecting. Refocus your existing events budget on new business development and outreach strategies, including options like sponsoring online events and creating your own virtual events.

Let’s look at the 3 biggest benefits of shifting your event plan dollars to online alternatives:

  1. You can create a scalable experience—and easily customize the experience to your audience.
  2. You can increase audience engagement—expanding your geographic range and reaching those who otherwise may not commit to attending an event.
  3. You can garner more from online analytics—to more precisely engage with your audience.


The Choice Is Yours…

There are many types of online alternatives to in-person experiences. Choose one that suits your abilities and resources or consider a mix of options involving virtual events, livestreaming, and videoconferencing. Here’s a quick list of just some of your options:

  • Recorded Webcasts
  • abc-event-planning-gallery2Live Webinars—with or without continuing education credit
  • Live streaming interviews
  • Recorded Interview series
  • Town hall-type online meetings
  • Demonstration videos
  • Zoom-on-in online conferences
  • One-on-one or small group videoconferencing

It’s important to view virtual events not as limited, good-enough-for-now presentations, but as value-added, engagement-focused opportunities. When done well, these online events can be impactful, effective, and financially beneficial to your business going forward.

In-person event popularity is certain to rebound when we get on the other side of COVID-19, as people will always value the physical, face-to-face experience. In fact, it’s a good idea to think about reintroducing smaller events down the road, such as regional meetings, lunch & learns, local breakfast events, etc. But there’s no denying that marketers who digitally engage their prospects and customers now will be better positioned for continued success when the live event makes its comeback.

So while you’re planning your pivot and considering what to do with your now obsolete event budget, we want you to know that Quantum Age Collaborative is here for you. We’re hearing it everywhere we go today: “We’re in this together.” Well, we really are…and we can help you get started on a new path or improve the one you’re already on—all with the goal of growing your business and securing your future success. Contact us today.

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The Hidden Cost of DIY Events

Posted by Tanya Hartsoe

Jun 18, 2018 3:22:00 PM

As the popularity of dozens of TV programs illustrate, the “Do It Yourself” trend is more popular than ever. While the DIY approach is great for home remodeling, using the solo strategy for your corporate event planning might not be your best bet. For those with the event planning “gene,” the basics seem pretty straightforward, so the temptation to take on the project is natural. Even if you don’t have the knack, the temptation to save money might drive you to take on the job or delegate it to another member of your team. But before you take the plunge, consider these five reasons why hiring a professional could be the wiser strategy.

1. The Devil is in the Details

Successful event planning requires a complete knowledge of all the moving parts – logistics, contract negotiations, food & beverage, entertainment, content/speaker management, registration, marketing, and more. If you lack experience (or sufficient time), it’s easy to overlook important details—perhaps even larger chunks—of the planning. You may also be tempted to take shortcuts. Shortcuts are risky. They can seem to save you some time, but often come back to bite you, sometimes jeopardizing the success of a carefully planned event.

2. Time is Money

Organizing and managing an event takes a great deal of time and effort—much more than most people realize. If you attempt the DIY approach, be sure to calculate the time you’re spending into the cost of the event planning. In the end, even if you succeed at planning a successful event, the cost could be great. Consider the opportunity costs associated with repurposing internal resources to event planning. What areas of the business will be impacted by diverting human resources from their regular day job—customer service, sales and marketing, product support, revenue cycle management?

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3. Stress Reduction

Event planning has multiple phases. First, the preparation stage and all its intricacies can be overwhelming. Missing a detail up front can result in big costs down the line. The live-event phase is wrought with stress for amateur event planners –dealing simultaneously with onsite logistics, vendors, participants, missing materials/people—and inevitable complications that arise. A professional brings years of experience, contingency plans, and a level of calm that is essential to a positive participant experience and solid impression of your brand. Finally, the follow-up stage is crucial, but often mismanaged by inexperienced planners. Dropping the ball on post-event feedback opportunities or being slow out of the gate with follow up can send a lasting negative message to attendees.

4. A Fresh, Engaging Approach

In the DIY approach, the tendency is to replicate the previous event, yet that is seldom your best option. A professional planner can provide unique and creative suggestions that wouldn’t otherwise occur to you. A professional team will offer more than just time and energy to complete the necessities—they will help you identify and achieve your goals for the event (business development, education, reputation, goodwill, or others), suggesting ways to make each event a memorable experience for key stakeholders. Fresh content and activities will provide an engaging experience for your attendees, distinguishing your company’s event from competing event

5. Happy Budget = Happy Client

Don’t think you have the budget for the event you really want? This is where the experience of a professional can make all the difference. A professional planner is dedicated to successful budget management, while being a trained negotiator. Planners know what concessions are easy/not-so-easy to get—and know what to leverage and when. They may also suggest alternative ideas that achieve your goals at a lower cost.


Event planning is not easy – and even the smallest event takes more time than you think. Unless you have a team member with considerable experience and a great deal of bandwidth, hiring a professional is likely the way to go. You’ll benefit from a dedicated person/team to offer fresh ideas, handle all of the details, save you time and money, and reduce your stress levels –all while producing a unique and memorable event within your budget.

To learn more about how Quantum Age can help you plan a cost-effective and memorable event, contact us.

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