QA President Shares Marketing Expertise At ACHCA Convocation

Posted by Meg LaPorte

Apr 21, 2016 1:00:00 PM

Marketing mix and content marketing were among the main topics discussed at the recent American College of Health Care Administrators (ACHCA) 50th Annual Convocation & Exposition in Philadelphia. CC Andrews, president of Quantum Age Collaborative, presented sessions on each, offering insights on what comprises a modern day marketing mix and how to compliment traditional marketing methods with newer, more focused strategies offering content to drive demand.

With more than 30 years of marketing experience under her belt, Andrews led a discussion with participants on the strategies that administrators can use to build their distribution networks and maximize their reach with content marketing. The dialogue included a look a the following types of distribution networks:

  • Social media
  • Partner marketing
  • Referral networks
  • Media outlets
  • Guest blogs

“Understanding your marketing mix is not just important for the marketing folks,” said Andrews. “Administrators benefit from knowing how to most cost-effectively reach their top business-to-business and consumer targets, as so much of the necessary outreach is still very market-specific.”

 Andrews also took participants through a buyer’s journey, including developing personas, guiding prospects through their journey with information they’re seeking, tailoring content to specific prospects at the right time, and converting prospects into sales leads.

Contact Quantum Age today to find out how we can help you improve your marketing efforts and get measurable results!

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